Monday, November 30, 2009

hoilday TT.TT

everyday stay at home during the hoildays anyway chistmas is coming good luck!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

hoildays coming

1 more day until hoilday and 3 more day to my piano exams haiz..... sian got 2nd in exam in class haiz.. still plan what to do in the hoildays nobody wants to go out with my haiz... i think this hoilday is going to be a bored hoilday for me haiz... will be writing more in just a few days......

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

normal day Haizz

same old thing again go to school learn malay darn it go through math waa lucky past haiz.. then go kenneth house

Thursday, October 8, 2009


haiz... nobody celebrate my birthday haiz.... sorry for not writing because got exams very busy still got tution will be writing more next time

Monday, September 28, 2009

WAR !!!!!!!!!!!

today go back to school never take my maths and CPA test got for home ecos lesson do worksheet then go for break. After break the WAR begin to start throwing RED beans all around the class room when it is maths lesson. After maths it english lesson thats where the WAR starts badly. Mr Jeremy Goh came to take half of our calss to seat at the corner but that didnt work the WAR is unstopable. When the school end thats where the WAR stops and thats where i stay back for my CPA and MATHS test. But tomorrow the WAR will get BIGGER..

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


today go to school very sian got science test, still forgot to bring english file first we go hall then have maths do maths book then english lesson never bring english file nvm then go and eat, eat finish ard got science we got sicence test then mr kumar come in our class call nicholas then cut his hair and lasty ART lesson mr lim ask us to draw flowers or dangon, i pick the dragon then mr D walk around the room. after school i walk with yu peng and kenneth and jun long then we hinding from someone then pin zhen and mark come hind with us then the person walk very far ard then i first one to run to another block, then next is yu peng then pin zhen then junlong then mark then kennethbecause kenneth drop some books.will be writing more .

Friday, September 18, 2009

exams+hari raya coming

hey hey hey lol today go to school felt ok got chinese , english and CPA(N.A. and Express dont have one) then got chapel(Only for chistians schools) abit fun today and abit scared because got End-year exams. monday no school tehehe exams faster come then got freedomTT.TT write more next time teheheee...